

A little 'before and after' today...with oil finishing.  But first, an analogy.  

Oiling for me is a little bit like getting a drastic haircut (not what you were thinking?).  The status quo c/hair is time tested and comfortable...even if it's bad, it's at least normal.  Then, all of a sudden with scissor or brush, there is a major change in appearance.  While necessary and for the better, I often do not like either at first.*

The before:

And after 3 coats of finish:

A bad haircut?  And permanent no less...but on this occasion, I actually liked the depth of the various brown and tan hues almost immediately.  Included in the oil was a bit of white pigment, hence the highlights in the pores, most noticeable in the backrest.  

With the finishing complete, I'm ready to pick the color and purchase the felt.  

*I also got my haircut this week, and amazingly, I liked it immediately...two in a row!