
Gluing Up

Big events this past week:  I have glued up my chair, joinery is complete!  I am pretty excited...though the picture's won't really show it as they are kind of boring.  Until I figure out how to take exciting pictures of clamped and drying glue-ups, I'll include what I've got.  

First glue up of the week was the seat struts to the side rails.  

The following day, the chair was in 4 main pieces.  The back leg and front leg sections, the glued strut/side rails, and the lower stretchers.  All this has to go together in one final glue extravaganza.  With the help of the Gladiators...and Noah, it went off pretty well.

Glue ups make for a pretty easy day at the shop...intense/fast/nothing left to do when it's done...so you go home, or dawdle.  I don't remember which I chose.

The next day and going forward my task is pretty simple.  Sand it and do final shaping.  An example of the latter is the round at the joinery of the front and back legs to the side rails.  This can't be made perfect before glue up, so now it's time to fare it in just right.  

Putting on the finish is the next to last big task...then comes the felt color decision, so many options.