
Glue Up and Seat Structure

Ok...so I started work today with a glue up.  I mentioned earlier that this is normally a time of anxiety for me, with shaking hands and playing reggae (calming influence), but today was different...it was super smooth. That's primarily a result of the rather straightforward joinery between the front legs.  Little glue here, a little glue there and I'm clamping it home.  Not even time enough to finish one whole song.  

After a few hours the glue is dry and I can move on to seat construction.  The as of yet unbuilt seat will be made out of oak plywood that I'll make myself.  Because this oak plywood seat is going to float/not touch the side and front rails, I need to make some struts for it to sit on.

That means 6 more mortises and 6 more tenons.  If that sentence made no sense, this will help, the mortises:

And here are the tenons...in the process of being cut on the bandsaw.

Once I rounded the tenons so they would fit into the mortises, I was ready to put the struts into the chair.  It was a little complicated given that each strut was a different length, but working my way through that hurdle...I came to this very uncomfortable looking spot in the chair process.

I doubt even the Iron Throne could be that unpleasant, but give it a few more weeks and it'll get better, as I'll shape the struts to receive the plywood.  In the meantime, I've just got one last joint to work out...the lower stretchers.