
More Handwork

This is a continuation of the earlier post, important to note as I made up some fancy words...e.g. hand corbeled rabbets (damn that's fancy!), so check that out as it will help make sense of what comes next.  With the Ugarit cut-outs complete on the rails, I need to remove the obnoxious corners remaining from the front legs.  See that ornery corner?

Best way to get rid of that little guy?  A chisel and hammer.  

Ok...chunked that out real quick, but it needs to match up pretty perfectly with the rails, so I use smaller, more delicate tools to fare it in just right.  Knife, small chisel and gouge do the job.  I'll do the final touch up when it's all glued together.  

All right...now that's gonna be a real nice and cozy spot for the seat!