
Boring & Rabbets

Not that this has anything to do with the blog, but...USA!  USA!  USA!  Terrible looking play but a victory is still a victory...and worth skipping the second half of my day at the shop.

But what I will not skip is my responsibility to this blog and the post I promised to deliver today.  So here we go...boring time!  With the mitering done, I'm ready to move onto more mortise and tenons.  This time it's for the legs...and four legs means four mortises.  Pretty simple, no?

Voila!  Four regular, stopped mortises in five minutes.  By 'stopped' I mean:  the mortise does not run all the way through the wood.  But if you remember this drawing...and some very specific details about it, you'd know that this is actually supposed to be a through mortise:

Note the Dr. Mario shaped pill at the top right (or this, from another old video game)...in the sketch, it represents the revealed and wedged tenon of the leg, centered within a rabbet.  Said rabbet is serving as a lip to hold the glass table top, and as I cut it to my desired width, I'll eventually expose the stopped mortise, thereby creating a through-joint.  Nifty!  Using the router table, I'm removing the top-inner portion of each mitered member.

There it is!  Fishburne style.

And completed.  But you'll notice the mortise is not in the center of the rabbet at the moment.  That is intentional.  I don't know if I can explain it very well...but I'll try (I'll pick it up in another post if I fail).  

Eventually, I am going to round or radius all the corners of this piece:  glass, inner-rabbets and exteriors.  If I ran the rabbet to it's intended width on the router table, the corners would meet at a 90 degree angle and I wouldn't have any leftover material to round.  After I glue up the frame, I'll take away more width in the straight away while leaving wood in the corners to cut with a semi-circular gouge.  Make sense?  Probably not.  Let's move on...here is one corner brought together.  Kind of hard to see the rabbet in this shot, but it's there.

And that's the end of this post!  Lacking, you avid blog readers might remember, the promised picture of a completely joined frame.  I'm not being withholding on purpose, I just forgot to take that shot.  Instead, I'm going to include some pictures from my week.  Remember how awesome the last selection of 'Jon's Week in Pictures' was?  Yeah...I included a picture of my hand holding baking powder!  I don't know if I can top that, but here's my attempt:

On a hike, breakfast and my house's white board after a plumber fixed our toilet.