
Furniture...from trees

So my big night, my first first Friday has passed and now it is time to recap...to re-live my glory day.  Before that though, I just want to say thanks to Delmarette Cafe and Noah, Max, Christina and Melody for helping me put on the show and for moving my furniture with me as carefully as possible.  Accordingly, thanks should also go to my brother Daniel, who bought me four moving blankets last year for Christmas...good forethought bro.

Anyways, as for the show...it was a success!  I displayed ten pieces of work, all of which are on the blog, and included six frames of sketches and five photos of my finished work.  As I mentioned before, Delmarette is a coffee shop, so this was a temporary one night only affair.  If you are heartbroken by the missed opportunity, let me know, I'll invite you over to dinner...we can eat at my dining table and pretend my bedroom is a gallery space, because it kind of is.

But until we schedule it...here is the gala from May 2, Furniture...from trees:

Super poor quality shot...but I only have one pic of this corner:

And here are a couple of close ups.

In overview, I did not do a good job of photographing this event!  I was kind of stressed at the beginning and burdened with packing up at the end...apologies, poor forethought on my part for not imagining the needs/aesthetics of the blog.  One last, pretty successful shot came from Max, a panorama at the tail end of the night, when all the cheese, crackers, cookies and wine were gone...and with them the people.  

Ok...I can hear the 'encore, encore' across the internet for more pictures.  I have one...my artist's statement.  
This was actually very difficult for me to write.  It took me a week and a whole lot of paper as I struggled with crystallizing my intentions/goals of making.  In the past, I avoided this with sarcasm.  I joked through my statements, as if I did not take myself and correspondingly, my work, seriously.  It was time for that to end, so I wrote as genuinely and seriously as possible.  That doesn't really mean it's good, it just means it is a true representation of how I feel about furniture and making it...a succinct (unsappy) representation.  The best I could do for now...I'll let the typewriter take it home: