

I've made it...I'm onto the last two pieces of wood for my chair!  Ok, sure...if you're paying close attention, I am excluding my seat construction from this count and yes, a seat is rather important to a chair.

I want to feel encouraged though...like I am making some headway, so let me instead say that I am at the last two structural members yet to be joined to the frame!  If that's not a time for celebration, I don't know what is.  So with no further adieu, I introduce to you the lower stretchers.  If you are wondering what pieces these might be, here is a mock up made of Douglas fir.  This one fits just right and at the appropriate angle...I think it was my sixth try.

Using this as a template for the white oak, I was able to complete the real stretchers, tenons and all, rather quickly...but apologies, I've messed up.  Normally, I would wax on about the complexities of angled tenons, including some sweet action shots, but I forgot to take pictures during this day of work.  Disappointing I know!  I feel a little like a cooking show chef (80's Ken Hom is the best) showing only the initial ingredients and the final plating without all the fire/sweat/aroma of the making.  But really, eating the food is what matters as is looking at the completed work.  So here you go, sans two days of labor, the lower stretchers magically completed:  

See the 3 small dark line drawings to the left of the chair...I've gotten pretty close right?