
Alas...the Glass

Yep, bad news always follows alas, and this occasion is no different.  I thought the glass top would be cut and back to me by now, but it's not.  Bums!  The template cutter at my glass shop has been backlogged for awhile and hasn't quite caught up yet.  

No problem...there's always next week, right?  Well...yes, that's true...but not for me being in Santa Cruz.  This Sunday I'm heading off on vacation...back to the Midwest and home, Kansas City, to spend time with the family.  Means there will be a delay / huge build-up of anticipation until early August.

To make-up for the failure to finish, I've included a couple of extra shots of the nearly completed table.  Super excited to see it whole and with a nice Osmo finish.  

And more future-oriented, here begins my next project...a bench or narrow coffee table from the board Alex gave me.  Will be a solid claro walnut top (such a nice board), with legs and joinery similar to this maple table.  Can't wait to put them next to one another!  That's mid to late August.  

To send myself off for a half-month:  sing it Wilbert.