
Chair Glamour Shots

Finally...the long wait is over.  I know you all (mom and dad) have been waiting excitedly to see the first finished product of table/desk/chair and I am now pretty proud to display it.  This project had good days and bad days, days of fast making and days where I completed nothing...but overall, I'm happy with the work and I learned a lot. Namely...make sure your proportions are correct otherwise you'll start a chair for an adult that only a child could love...and use.  That was an early mistake and I think those legs went into a bonfire, which I might have blogged about a long time ago (plug to read the whole blog).  

Anyways, I'm one-third of the way done, I have a lot of extra felt and I like where I'm headed.  

If you've been following the whole time...or did a binge blog reading, you might remember some of my early language regarding what I wanted to see or accomplish from this chair.  It mostly went like:  I want a thin seat that will 'float and be framed within the front and side rails of the chair' with no joinery allowed between the back legs at seat height in order to preserve thinness.  What might have made no sense in words, I now hope makes sense with vision...and I hope it's pleasing.