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It appears that I am going backwards through my blog title:  my next project is the desk!

A good amount of time has gone by since I completed, nay...was forced to delay completion of my chair (update soon).  Unfortunately, it is very easy for a few days or two weeks to disappear in between projects. That's a part of the design process, which is obviously necessary, but never feels entirely productive as no making is happening.  Also time consuming is wood choice deliberation and procurement.  I've tried to stay relative busy though...so what I've done, I'll present.  It's a smorgasbord of items...eat up, it might be awhile before another post.

Desk in process:  

My earliest design built to non-exacting standards in miniature form.  The actual desk would have a hinged drop-down desktop.  The result would be a rather cozy, comfortable, private work space...fort-like even, which is a bonus to me.  A library study desk would be a fair comparison...just a really nice, expensive one. 

Thankfully though...there was a good amount of separation between this brainstorm and the building, as I don't really love the design anymore.  The miniature mock-up is great through, where else would I keep my phone?  

More recent design:  

No walls, more skeletal, no hinged desktop.  The sense of enclosure is no longer real, now implied.  That said, I think there would still be a feeling of separateness/coziness.  I've also included a storage area underneath the back of the desk top.  Covering the storage bin is a thin metal lid, which will swing and stop in the up position against the long back rest.    

Thinking I was on to something, I built it full scale, needing to get a sense of proportions and size.  

Here, Noah is doing his best job modeling and making the mock-up look good.  As a bonus, I hadn't realized the back structure could also serve as a book rest.  Thumbs up dude!

Improvements are still necessary and it may yet change as I probably won't begin the desk until early December.  It's a known fact that all woodworker's take Thanksgiving week off.  

Unrelated to my desk but important to the blog is another project I've been working on recently...and that's finding a way to take professional photograph's of my completed work.  In-process pics I take with my iphone and I'd say they are good enough, but finalized pieces deserve better.  Two weeks ago, I bought a piece of 9' by 36' seamless paper to serve as a backdrop for my furniture.  While still setting up lighting in Noah and Max's garage, here is the first teaser picture from JP's Furniture Photo Studio. 

Pretty excited about the potential here.  I hope to have my first big shoot this weekend...modeling for me will be my coffee table, the above piece and a floor lamp.  Maybe a stool too.  Basically, there's lots of pictures to come.  In the meantime, I'll include one more...the dessert of the smorgasbord if you will.  It's the other task that's kept me busy:  finding new eyeglasses.  Glamour shot!  

Damn...who is that handsome mustached man with glasses that are clearly too big for his narrow face?  To keep the ladies coming back, I'll post a couple more wonderful selfies from optometrist's offices...the spectacle search continues.