
Making Progress

With the side rail joinery complete at the back leg, the next step is to start working on the front legs.  A wonderful benefit of making the aforementioned wedges is that I get to use them again for the front leg-side rail joinery.  The compound angles, up and out, are the same in front as in back (hearkening memories of math homework), so I repeat the same process--same compound cuts and same mortising and very quickly, surprisingly quickly, I was at this stage:

My grandpa would love that racing stripe

Great moment, my chair can now stand up all by himself!  My baby has turned 11 months old...it's a joy.  Further development now happens much more quickly.  Two stretchers between the front legs are rather straightforward; the joinery/angles are square, which means the work is simple/standard.  Love it!  So next day, my chair is looking pretty sturdy...not that there's anywhere to sit yet.

With the front section complete, minus shaping, I have only a few more pieces of wood to add to this chair...with of course, the seat.  While I've been working on this, my mates have been working on their dining table.  Makes me wish I was building 4 chairs...

Not really.