
Bummer Filz

A few days ago, I got home to find a package waiting for me, needless to say I was excited...I'd gotten my felt!  As I am want to do, I didn't open it right away, I let the anticipation settle in and went to watch a Golden State Warriors game.  Speaking of sports, did you know the Chiefs are 9-0? And that my brother bought us tickets for the Chiefs/Raiders game in Oakland?  Yeah...pretty awesome baby!  Anyways, back to the felt.  

I did eventually open it up, but...was disappointed.  I went for undyed wool, which is predominantly gray. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that sheep are tagged (like branding in cows) with spray paint for identification. Those colorful strands end up in the felt and left undyed, they pop off the page.  Reds, greens, blues, oranges...a rainbow effect is not what I had in mind.  

But props to Filzfelt, I called and explained my feelings and they are going to help me out.  I send this piece back and they send me some gray dyed wool sans spray paint.  The only drawback will be a further two week delay...but hey, that's ample time for anticipation.  

Over the next couple of weeks, I'll start my desk and finish a stool...there's always something interesting going on at tabledeskchair.blogspot.com.  Tell your friends.