
Step Two

Managed to get two pretty good back legs from my board, next step is shaping the legs similar.  After that, I made my mortises (slots) and had the components standing...with some support, by day two.  

The lower stretcher is my first real joinery on this chair, which is actually a little unusual.  Normally, there is a structural piece in between the legs at seat height, but I don't have one there.  This is due to how I want the seat to look...very thin, streamlined and floating...and a big piece of joined wood doesn't have those characteristics.  Kind of hard to describe what I'm imagining...I'll put up some pictures soon...and better yet, I'll eventually finish it.  

Better even than that...ourr new shop cats!  Ike and Tina.  Aren't they the cutest?

Ok, I actually have to take that back...they are our cats, but we aren't keeping them at the shop.  That's  just where we found them abandoned by their mother.  My shopmate Noah has adopted them, which means I get to play uncle.  Learned a few good lessons about cat caretaking.